Intello Plus vapour

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Rouleau de 1,5 m ou 3 m x 50 m

Unité de vente

Au mètre courant ou au rouleau


High-per­form­ance re­in­forced in­tel­li­gent va­pour check, suit­able for all fibrous in­su­la­tion


  • Max­im­um pro­tec­tion for the in­su­la­tion
  • Ideal pre­ven­tion against struc­tur­al dam­age and mould, even in the event of un­ex­pec­ted mois­ture in­tru­sion
  • Ex­tremely high mois­ture-vari­able dif­fu­sion res­ist­ance in any cli­mate span­ning a very wide range of more than 100 x:
    sd-value: 0.25 m up to >25 m
    g-value: 1.25 MNs/g up to > 125 MNs/g
    wa­ter va­por per­meance: 13.12 US perms down to <0.13 US perms
  • High pro­tec­tion from con­dens­a­tion in winter cli­mate
  • High back-dif­fu­sion ca­pa­city in sum­mer
  • Very low coef­fi­cient of ex­pan­sion when com­bined with spray in­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­als
  • Low­est VOC rat­ing in haz­ard­ous sub­stance test


Can be used as a va­pour check and air­tight­ness mem­branes for all ex­tern­ally dif­fu­sion-open struc­tures, e.g. with roof un­der­lay (pro clima SOLI­TEX), soft­wood fibre­board or MDF board. For a high level of pro­tec­tion against mois­ture in­duced fail­ures in struc­tur­ally chal­langing con­struc­tions such as dif­fu­sion-res­ist­ant flat/pitched roofs. Also suit­able in ex­treme en­vir­on­ments such as in high moun­tain re­gions. Fur­ther in­form­a­tion is giv­en in the study “Cal­cu­lat­ing po­ten­tial free­dom from struc­tur­al dam­age of thermal in­su­la­tion struc­tures in tim­ber-built and steel sys­tems”

Technical specs

Fleece Polypropylene
Membrane Polyethylene copolymer
Reinforcement Polypropylene non-woven fabric
Attribute Norm Value
Colour   white-transparent
Surface weight EN 1849-2 110 ±15 g/m²
Thickness EN 1849-2 0.40 ±0.1 mm
Water vapour resistance factor µ EN 1931 18 750
sd-value EN 1931 7.50 ±0.25 m
sd-value humidity variable EN ISO 12572 0.25 - >25 m
g-value   37.50 ±1.25 MN·s/g
g-value humidity variable   1.25 - >125 MN·s/g
Water vapor permeance ASTM E 96 0.44 US perms
Water vapor permeance humidity variable ASTM E 96 13.12 - <0.13 US perms
Fire behaviour EN 13501-1 E
Tensile strength MD/CD EN 13859-1 350 N/5 cm / 290 N/5 cm
Elongation MD/CD EN 13859-1 15 % / 15 %
Nail tear resistance MD/CD EN 13859-1 200 N / 200 N
Artificial ageing by long term EN 1296 / EN 1931 passed
Temperature resistance   -40 °C/-40 °F to +80 °C/176 °F
Coefficient of thermal conductivity   0.17 W/m·K
Airtightness EN 12114 tested
National technical approval (DE) DIN 68800-2 Z-9.1-853
CE labelling EN 13984 available

Limiting factors

Pro clima INTELLO PLUS should be laid with the side with the plastic film (the printed side) facing the installer. They can be laid flat either at right angles to or along the sub-structure (such as the rafters) without sagging. If laid horizontally (at right angles to the sub-structure) then the maximum space permitted between the rafters is 100 cm. After laying, it is necessary to support the weight of the insulation with lathing on the inside. The laths should be no more than 50 cm apart. If, when using insulation mats and boards, for example, you expect systematic tension as a result of the insulation weight on the adhesive tape joins, an additional supporting lath should be placed on the overlap. Alternatively, the adhesive tape can be reinforced along the overlap by sticking strips of adhesive tape at right angles to the overlap every 30 cm.

Airtight seals can only be achieved on vapour control membranes that have been laid without folds or creases. Ventilate regularly to prevent excessive humidity (e.g. during the construction phase). Occasional rush/inrush ventilation is not adequate to quickly evacuate large amounts of construction-related humidity from the building. Use a dryer if necessary.

To prevent condensation, INTELLO PLUS should be stuck down so that it is airtight immediately after installing the thermal insulation. This particularly applies when working in winter.

Additionally for injected foam insulation
INTELLO PLUS can also be used as a membrane for all types of injected foam insulation. Your reinforcing layer prevents stretching during injection of the insulation foam. If laid along the sub-structure it has the advantage that the overlap is supported on a firm foundation and is therefore protected.
To prevent condensation, the injected foam insulation should be introduced immediately after installing the airproofing layer. This particularly applies when working in winter.